Category Archives: Technology

Disable quirks mode

Ever had a site that you created and works in modern versions of IE but for some reason when viewed in them it defaults to quirks mode? I have and wished that I could disable it from going to quirks mode. In my tests the following code forces IE to display in it’s native mode(for that browser), effectively disabling quirks mode. I’ve only done a few tests but, so let me know if it works for you.

<meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=9″ />

Recently I have also been working on some projects and have tested them on IE9. I have found that local/intranet sites by default will display in compatability mode for some reason. Once the site is live however this will not happen. To turn off this default behaviour in IE9, hit alt then go to tools -> compatibility view settings, then untick “display intranet sites in compatibilty view”.

If your still stuck check out the following flow chart to see how IE9 handles compatibility view.

Commonwealth Bank launches augmented reality real estate app

The Commonwealth bank has recently launched an app that will allow home buyers to easily see the sale history, median price, buying/selling conditions, property hotspots and capital growth trends. It also has videos, articles and home buying guides for first home buyers, renovators and investors. As you would expect the app is a big advertisement for the Commonwealth Bank and has tools to work out loans with them.

The main feature of this application is however the augmented reality of it, which you will need an iPhone 3GS or iPhone 4 to take advantage of. This feature allows you to hold up the phone and view whatever you are looking at  via the camera and overlay text and images on top. It uses this to great effect to show information about the house you are looking at, such as previous sale price.

The app itself looks and works well. It is a great way for the bank to leverage a new technology and build up some free press about themselves. Let me know in the comments below what you think of the app?

Commbank real estate iPhone app

Control uTorrent from your iPhone

uTorrent has released an option to manage your torrents via your  as part of its “uTorrent web” site. Just go to and download the latest version of uTorrent that supports it. Once installed click on the uTorrent Web Preferences, shown below, and enter a user name and a password.

uTorrent web

Once you have done this you can go to and log in with those details on either your computer or iPhone/android mobile device.
